PUBLISHED: Stories of Success From the Western North Carolina and North Carolina Conferences of the United Methodist Church

John Bennett/ April 22, 2020/ Publications, Resources

Building on the experiences of 15 successful congregational leaders in the United Methodist Church, John Bennett, Ph.D., and Julie Gawle along with five graduate students (Emily Carpenter, Brendan Coffey, Danielle Frottier, Laurie Meek, and Tori Scarborough) from the McColl School of Business at Queens University of Charlotte, identify and explore leadership behaviors that support congregational vitality.  In this study, 15 pastors

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When Coaching Works Best

John Bennett/ January 16, 2020/ Executive Coaching, Leadership

I am often asked about my experiences coaching all levels of leaders. One of those questions is “what makes a good coaching client?” There are five distinct factors that indicate a person is likely to benefit from coaching—whether from a professional coach, manager-coach, or peer.  1. Embrace a Growth Mindset A desire to learn, grow and shift their mindsets and behaviors.

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