Preparing for a Coaching Conversation
Coaching conversations are not chit-chat. They have purpose and focus. Here are some tips to help you be your best, and provide the best support.
Coaching conversations are not chit-chat. They have purpose and focus. Here are some tips to help you be your best, and provide the best support.
Some of my favorites include books related to Appreciative Inquiry, change, coaching practices and skills, Gestalt approach, helping relationships, human development, and interpersonal relationships.
Meeting with a potential coaching client can prompt excitement, anxiety, even fear. Here are suggestions to help you prepare for and conduct these meetings.
One challenge coaches face is shifting their own mindsets and behaviors. Try these 9 questions before responding to your client’s statements and responses.
Just like a great story has a beginning, middle and end, so does a coaching engagement. Here are 5 questions I ask clients at the end of a coaching engagement.
The selection of a coach is an important decision for ALL parties involved. In fact, it is crucial for both you and a coach to make the decision that is mutually beneficial. Don’t assume that a coach will automatically be willing to work with you. There are many factors that can play into their decision, including: Their availability to work