Our hope is that pastors, church staff, conference and denomination leaders will see themes of dynamic pastoral leadership emerge, inspiring them to embrace new leadership behaviors for themselves and their pastors.
Stories of Success
By John L. Bennett and Julie M. Gawle
In this study, 15 pastors and 51 church staff and lay leaders were interviewed and success stories constructed. Leadership behaviors were identified and compared to a widely accepted congregational leadership framework developed by Towers Watson. Analysis and findings related to traits found most frequently within pastor interviews and interviews with staff and church members are presented along with a comparison of the pastor-only and member-only themes.
A review of the characteristics common across all interviews is also summarized and presented. Recommendations for pastors and the United Methodist Church are shared along with insights related to the leadership framework for congregational leaders developed in 2011 by Towers Watson. In addition, recommendations for further study are offered.
To get your copy of this study in eBook format, click here.
Author Note
We appreciate the support provided by Robb Webb, Kristen Richardson-Frick, and Trena McClure of the Rural Church Program area of The Duke Endowment. The generosity of The Duke Endowment made this work financially possible.
We are indebted to the North Carolina and Western North Carolina Conferences of the United Methodist Church, which allowed us to study congregations in their jurisdictions. And, we are especially appreciative to the pastors, staff and lay leadership of the congregations we studied. They allowed us to glimpse into their lives and work
This research is supported in part by a generous grant from The Duke Endowment. Correspondence concerning the ongoing research referenced in this paper should be directed to John L. Bennett, McColl School of Business, Queens University of Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina 28274.